Dr.Explain is a help authoring tool for rapid
of help files and user guides. Using its unique auto
capture and annotation technology, developers can
document their software interfaces almost hands down.
When set to work, Dr.Explain parses a live
and automatically produces screenshots of its windows
along with a sequence of callouts for each window
control. Users only have to add some description to
each callout as needed. Dr.Explain can output the
results as a set of HTML pages, CHM help file or RTF
document complete with screenshots, cross-references,
menus and an index page. The output is accurate and
Dr.Explain is ideal for software developers, ISV,
micro ISV and technical writers. It handles all the
complexities of help formatting and generation,
allowing them to concentrate on pure writing. This
saves them days that would otherwise be wasted.
Dr.Explain is also great to keep help documentation
sync with software updates. Since all data is stored
in a single source file, developers can easily edit
update any portion of an existing file. In doing
they are not required to rearrange the entire help or
generate a new file. Developers will also benefit
the opportunity to customize the appearance of their
help file to make it match their corporate style.
can customize its visual elements, menus and page
layout. On top of all this is an affordable price,
which is lower than with the majority of other
software documentation tools.