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  Information Management Tools - Notes Management Tools

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  Take Note  -  Version  V1.0

Take Note is note taking software that does exactly what it says. Designed to be easy to write, save, find and organise small peaces of information that would otherwise been strewn across several "New Text Document (4).txt"s. Take note takes away this clutter of text files, replacing it with a simple interface that makes it easy to find what you want and jott down new notes before storing them away carefuly and out of sight. It doesn't try to be a word processor, it doesn't try to be a spreadsheet as a result it is quick to load and save, remaining in a compact form. Features: Add and delete notes Note Search Save note as text file Print out note List all notes System try quick-loader Take Note. Because notes are ment to be simple. Please, feel free to download a trial of this software and register it for only $15.

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