EngCalc(Heat and Mass Transfer) - PocketPC Calculator
Momentous Heat and Mass Transfer Calculator.Scientific
Evaluator - Superlative collection of Operators and
instant reference to recent calculations. Memory
functions etc.A must have for Engineering
professionals and students. This PocketPC software
program empowers you with instant references and
solutions of frequently encountered calculation at
your finger tips. Just few taps, and all the
calculations that consumed lots of efforts and time
will vanish, there by increasing efficiency. This
means you will have more time to analyze your
information and make better informed decisions, thus
helping professionals maintain a competitive edge and
helping students to excel in their academics.Entropy
Exchange in HeatXfer,Heat Conduction in Hollow
Cylinder,Gray-body Radiation,Heat conduction in hollow
sphere,Convection-Conduction Network,Critical Radius
of Insulation,Black Body Radiation,Contact Heat Xfer
Coeff,Film Temperature,Local FlatPlate Nusselt #
(laminar),Avg FlatPlate Nusselt # (laminar),Tube Flow
Nusselt # (turbulent),Nusselt # for cylinder in cross-
flow,Heat conduction in plane wall,Heat
convection,Single-lump transient temperature evolution.