EngCalcLite(Fluid Mchanics) - PocketPC Calculator
50 Momentous Fluid Mechanics Calculator.Scientific
Evaluator - Superlative collection of Operators and
instant reference to recent calculations. Memory
functions etc. A must have for Engineers. This
PocketPC software program empowers you with instant
references and solutions of frequently encountered
calculation at your finger tips. Just few taps,and all
the calculations that consumed lots of efforts and
time will vanish,there by increasing efficiency. This
means you will have more time to analyze your
information and make better informed decisions, thus
helping your company maintain a competitive
edge.Bernouillis equation,Critical pressure
ratio,Fourier heat Xfer #,Fourier mass Xfer #,Froude
#,Grashof #,Lewis #,Mach #,Nusselt #,Peclet heat Xfer
#,Prandtl #,Reynolds #,Schmidt #,Sherwood #,Linear
Thermal Expansion,Weber #,Cavitation #,Eckert
#,Specific Heat Ratio,Strouhal #,Roughness Ratio,Temp
Ratio,Pressure Coefficient,Lift Coefficient,Drag
Coefficient,Peclet Mass Xfer #,Speed of Sound,Biot
#,Stanton #,Hydrostatic Pressure,Newtons Viscosity
Law,Kinematic Viscosity,Capillary Pressure in Liquid
Drop,Tensile Pipe Stress,Tensile Stress in Spherical
Vessel,Isentropic density-Mach # relation,Isentropic
pressure-Mach # relation,Isentropic Temp-Mach #
relation,Andrades equation,Transitional BL Friction
Drag Coefficient,Circular Disk in Normal, Creeping
Flow Cd,Circular Disk in Parallel, Creeping Flow
Cd,Laminar b.l. displacement thickness,Laminar b.l.
thickness,Laminar b.l. momentum thickness,Sutherlands
Equation,Isothermal Gas Layer Press-Elevation
Relation,Atm Press variation in troposphere,Laminar BL
Local Friction Coeff,Laminar BL Friction Drag Coeffi.