PakMed PakNutri 12
PakMed PakNutri 12 is a compact searchable nutritional
database application from PakMed developed in/for
Microsoft Office Access 2000 or later version catering
information on nutritional composition of 6839 food
items included in USDA National Nutrient Database for
Standard Reference, Release 17 (SR17) covering 44
regular (common) food components or nutrients. This
application is full of features like navigation of
nutrient composition of a selected food items in four
different ways of presentation without scrolling, as
ControlTab feature of Microsoft Access is used for
this convenient type of navigation. You can print the
composition of a food item by clicking Print button.
This application occupies a little more than 1MB disk
space in the installation folder. Program Setup file
has both installation and uninstallation features.