Computers, the restless machines with unprecedented
precision are helpers to human beings at many tasks,
these days. Almost any challenge involving heavy-
calculation from predicting population growth to
modeling complex space objects requires computing
power of today.
Math software is still the ‘king of software products’
as it allows for calculations required in any aspect
of modern life. However, often math software is bulky,
overloaded with useless ‘features’ and requires
reading 300-pages manual before attempting to use it.
Introducing SLGallery, the unique probability
distribution calculation toolbox intended to bring
straightforward and easy-to-use approach to math
SLGallery is an innovative product allowing
mathematicians, economists, financial analytics, –
virtually anyone who is into serious calculation and
prediction of probabilities perform any related task
fast and easy!
The product features 11 continuous and 4 discrete