Axoio HexStudio 2006
HexStduio is the first Hex Editor tool, you can edit,
cut, copy, paste, insert, and delete hex, print, and
export to Txt,HexStudio you can supports drag and
drop,The friendly interfacial energy causes you
rapidly easily to edit hex, in work area.Edit, Cut,
Copy, Paste, Insert.Delete hex, Print, and export to
Txt. Supports drag and drop.Friendly interfacial,Easy
to operate.Searches and replaces,Fast data contrast
and analysis function.Effective goto
function.Character translation(windows,Dos 8
Bit,ASCII 7 Bit,MacintoshEBCDIC Codepage 38,Custom
translation).Offset format
(Hex,Decimal,Octal).Document Divide and Combines.CMOS
tool.Decimal conversion.Decimal,HEX comparative
Table.ASCII Table.Fast search function.Automatic
Software Update.