SSW Performance PRO! 2000
Essential for performance tuning your Access frontend
or upsizing to SQL Server
SSW Performance PRO! isolates performance bottle-
necks in your Access 97, 2000 or 2002 app. It checks
every form, combo and list box, and reviews SQL
statements. It reports exactly what to fix to improve
the the speed of your application. SSW Performance
PRO! is especially useful after you've upsized an
application to SQL Server to pinpoint black spots in
your app.
SSW Performance PRO! evaluates the speed of your
forms so you can work where it will make a
difference. It works both with Microsoft Access 97
and 2000. It works whether your backend is Access
(mdb) or Microsoft SQL Server. It works whether you
have a single/multiple backend(s).
This cool utility analyses every form, every combo
and list box, checks the SQL statements and works out
the time of executing these SQL statements -
obviously you will get the best results if your
Access database is linked to server across the
network. After you use the generated reports, you can
optimize design of your forms and controls without
any worries.
You know you shouldn't have large recordsets in your
database... Microsoft Access developers too often use
forms and combos bound to large tables or slow
queries. Let this wizard analyse your front end
database and tell you what forms are slow and what
controls are the culprits in each form. Now use your
development time on the things that really matter.
Then re-analyse and see your progress.