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  Developer Tools - Misc. Programming Tools

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  QuickBuild  -  Version  1.0.3

QuickBuild is the professional version of the open source build server, Luntbuild. Besides being a decent build automation and continuous integration server, it puts extra emphasis on build management. Some feature highlights: 1. Powerful but easy to use interface. You are able to control behavior of QuickBuild through OGNL expressions. 2. Builds are set up through configurations which are organized hierarchically. Child configurations are able to inherit settings from parent, and can selectively override some of them. This way, large number of build configurations can be managed very easily. 3. Build promotion support enables builds flow across different parties (such as developers, QA, release manager, etc.) in your team without extra management effort. 4. Powerful remote and multi-platform build ability, and also parallel build support. 5. Powerful build dependency handling. You are able to make a project depends on other projects even they are in different machines. 6. Fully customizable build process gives the flexibility to define your own build steps, and determine their order and concurrence. 7. Rich set of REST API allows you operate on almost every type of object in QuickBuild programmatically. Through this API, it is possible to integrate QuickBuild with other applications in your organization.

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