Wallpaper Expert
Do you have a lot of pictures of your family, images
downloaded from the Internet, photographs of your
latest holiday adventures? Wouldn't it be wonderful to
have them on your computer screen bringing back
memories and a smile to your face? You can now do that
with Wallpaper Expert - a powerful yet so easy-to-use
wallpaper manager. Wallpaper Expert lets you assign
different categories to your images, such as "Summer
Trip of 2005", "John and Selma's Wedding" and the
like. Unlike any other similar product, Wallpaper
Expert allows you to control how and when your
collections appear on the screen. Suppose you want to
bring back memories of your last summer trip on
Sundays, to see your family on workdays and wouldn't
mind photos from other collections appear from time to
time. With Wallpaper Expert, you can do all that since
you can specify a schedule for any collection! You
don't need to worry about your image formats - all
those BMP's, JPEG's, PNG's, GIF's, TIFF's, EXIF's,
WMF's, EMF's are for computer geeks. Wallpaper Expert
will recognize almost any image type and present it on