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  Multimedia and Graphics Tools - Video and Animation Tools

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  Video Edit Magic Express  -  Version  4.11

Movie Editing Software, that makes editing your movies as fun as shooting them.
Video Edit Magic Express makes video editing as-simple- as possible for the average user at a new low breakthrough price. We have departed from the storyboard concept most video editor's use to a more familiar method of select, cut/copy, and paste editing. This makes video editing more intuitive to new users and retains the flexibility of full featured video editing.
Now you can easily decorate your videos by dragging and dropping effects, adding background scores and changing the volume of individual tracks for audio mixing. The built-in capture tool enables you to quickly capture video from a camcorder, capture-card, or USB video camera and move it to your hard disk. You can also add captured footage directly to the timeline for further editing. You can combine video, audio and image files on the same timeline for editing

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