JustCad 5.0 is a point and click cad program pre-set
to produce a good result with little or no cad skills.
Drawing Tools: Line, 2pt. Circle, 3pt. Circle, 2pt.
Arc, 3pt. Arc, Ellipse, Point, Polygon, Multiple
Lines, Place Text, Text Edit, Ortho Dimension, Radial
Dimension, Angular Dimension, Leader, Snap Point, Snap
Object, Snap Midpoint, Snap Percentage, Snap
Snap Tangent, Snap Intersection, Blank Line, Confine
to Angle, Associates(Pre-drawn collections of objects),
Hatching, DXF Import, DXF Export, Layer Load, Layer
Printer Set-up,Print fitted to scale.
Editing Tools: Object Select, Window Select(with
filtering by layer, object type, line width, line
Select Last, Break, Trim, Copy, Stretch, Mirror, Radial
Copy, Rotate, Move, Scale, Intersection, Erase, Change,
Undo and Redo(40,000 Operations).