Amortization Schedule Calculator
The Amortization Schedule Calculator at
www.amortization-calc.com is a quick PHP script that
will calculate the amortization, or loan repayment,
schedule for your loan. Enter any loan amount,
interest rate, mortgage time period, and start date,
and you can view the loan amortization schedule by
month or by year.
The monthly view of the amortization schedule shows
each monthly payment for the duration of the loan,
including the principal amount, interest amount, and
remaining balance after that payment is applied. The
yearly amortization schedule displays the total
interest and principal paid each year of the mortgage,
as well as the remaining balance at the end of each
year. Both the monthly and yearly screens display a
summary of the loan, including total interest paid,
total payments, and final payment date.
The amortization calculator is a valuable tool for
estimating the amount of loan you can afford. You can