SMARTi Enterprise
SMARTi Enterprise is an integrated document
processing, archiving and records management system.
SMARTi facilitates and manages the capture, online
storage, retrieval, distribution and processing of all
forms of unstructured information including images,
forms, office documents, reports, statements, eMails
and faxes. Instead of storing paper copies of
documents and reports in filing cabinets or on
microfiche, SMARTi stores them online electronically.
Users find and retrieve specific documents by
performing searches (queries). Documents will never be
lost or misfiled in SMARTi because SMARTi not only
finds documents by their text content, it also uses a
database to index each document with relevant search
criteria, such as report name, report date, account
name or account number. And unlike paper documents or
microfilm, multiple users can search for and view the
same document simultaneously. SMARTi combines the
technologies of Imaging, Workflow, Document
Management, COLD and Records Management into a
powerful Web-enabled application. SMARTi has a single
database, a universal repository and unified desktop
and browser client for all document types and formats.
SMARTi provides integral workflow capabilities and can
be seamlessly integrated into virtually any line-of-
business application. SMARTi captures and
automatically indexes high volumes of scanned or
imported documents. Imaging documents usually consist
of business-critical, customer-facing transaction
information such as invoices, proof of deliveries,
application forms, payments, claims, checks and
correspondence. These documents are used in accounts
payable, accounts receivable, order entry, customer
service and case processing applications. Automated
records management functions include record
classification, declaration, retention and
disposition, audit trails and advanced multi-level
security to meet Sarbanes/Oxley, SEC 17a4, HIPAA, GLB
and other legislative and regulatory compliance