Weather Master for to mp4
The purpose of the game is to build a rainbow across
all the sky while
cleaning the landscape from raindrops and thereby
scattering the clouds.
A game includes 50 levels and combines
unsophisticated, classic, easy-to-
learn game play and an original action. Mastering the
game is facilitated by prompts.
The game provides for bonuses that make a playing
process varied and
unforeseeable. Not everybody is endowed with the
ability to set fine weather, to scatter the clouds, to
build a rainbow. You will be given such a chance in our
game. It is not so easy, especially at first (as the
weather gets better,
it is easier to build a rainbow). Only those daring
and decisive will set
about it and when they manage to succeed they will be
rewarded by the
beauty appearing before them. The beautiful landscape
is saddened only by the gloomy cloud from where