P4 Changelist Grabber
The 'P4 Changelist Grabber' provides a quick, easy way
to pull one or more changelists from your Perforce
source control server to a local folder of your
choice, pulling the revisions of the files in those
changelists (and *only* those files / revisions), all
the while maintaining the correct directory hierarchy
from your depot(s). There is a way to accomplish this
goal from within the Perforce visual client, P4V, but
it requires multiple steps, can only deal with one
changelist at a time, and is generally a hassle.
To use it, simply enter one or more changelist numbers
in the 'P4 Changelist Number(s)' box, separating
multiple entries with commas. Then, enter a valid
Perforce workspace in the 'P4 Workspace' box. Next,
hit the 'Browse' button, and pick a local directory to
pull the changelist(s) to. Check the 'Delete Existing
Content In Destination Directory?' box if you wish to
have the destination directory cleared out before the
grab begins, and click on the 'Grab It!' button.
That's it!