Raxso Enterprise
Go for the gold with this robust searching utility
with index database support! Discover the power and
speed this incredible file indexing and searching
utility can deliver. Enterprise is like a dream come
true, because it will surely find any file from any
drive or folder, including multiple drives, a custom
list of folders, or any combination there of. But
wait... You also receive the Raxso Indexter program
which is used to build a precise keyword index
database of your files. The indexing utility will
produce an extremely accurate keyword list that allows
you to search for files in record time. You can also
search by name, extension, size, date, time, etc. You
simply load the index database into Raxso Enterprise
at any time and you will be able to find what you are
looking for in seconds, not hours. Download your copy
of Raxso Enterprise now and start using it today! The
download comes complete with our exclusive hybrid
Setup utility which will install the correct files for
Windows 98 through Windows Vista. Also included is a
full Cleanup utility so you risk nothing. Try it for