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  Web Development - HTML Editors

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  SpiderPad  -  Version  1.5.3

SpiderPad is a text-based HTML editor for Windows. In addition to the features that most HTML editors include today, SpiderPad goes above and beyond: Easy-to-use visual table, form, frame, and style editors. Also, load tables, forms and framesets *back into* the visual editors for modification. Easy attribute modification. Just double-click on a tag to select it and choose Modify Tag. All the tag's attributes will be displayed in a dialog box for you to modify. Works for custom tags too. The most customizability. Add any keyboard shortcut to any command, add any command to the toolbar or right-mouse-button menu. Also, easily integrate any third-party application (browsers, image editors, etc.) with SpiderPad. Also, advanced custom tag support.

To link to this program use the html below (use text editor and check the exact syntax):

<a href="">View this program at</a>

This link will appear like:

View this program at