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Restaurology Point Of Sale
Restaurology Lite, Cash, check, credit card and split
tender sales
Keep track of historical transaction records
Can use Keyboard orTouch Screen
Automatic discount for sale period
Low Margin Warnings
Keeps track of inventory on-hand quantities
Generates invoices, receipts, packing slips, quotes
Going back to all previously generated invoices /
Keeps track of cashier, cash register
Shipping charge and shipping information
Void or Edit invoice
Keeps track of minimum inventory re-order quantity
Inventory Control
Product information maintenance screen to update
inventory on-hand, minimum quantity.
Inventory on-hand is automatically updated as you sell
the products in point-of-sale screen.
Price lookup screen also shows the inventory on-hand
Vendor information is connected to the product
USA, UK, Canada, Australian version
Supports Ta Added or Ta Included methods
Currency & Terminology Editor
Sales journal in any date ranges
Sales journal at detail level (product sales) and
summary level (invoice level).
Sales journal (detail and summary)downloaded to Ecel
Sales reports by product, category, vendor, cashier,
sales personnel in any date ranges
Manpower Planning
Reports can be saved, emailed, printed or copied
Print product information list
Download product information to (text, Excel)
Upload product information from (text, Excel)
Product pictures
Update name address, phone, contact, e-mail address,
and other notes
Update additional ship-to, address, information, phone
Information print, download and upload capability
Automatic Order Limit checking
Access Security
Option to run with or without access security
Password security
Private invoice notes
Receipt messages and notes
Network, multiple users updating common database
No installation required
Multiple open sales