Exterminate It!
Surfing on the wave top in the modern digital world,
where every particle is internet-connected, is fall-
dangerous. Digital Ocean is much more risky than its
natural counterpart. Every profit minded criminal can
be your breaking wave.
Same as in natural surfing – falling is also natural
and it’s hard to prevent, even if you are protected.
In case of falling it’s really important to get
immediate help. Even in case when you got the latest
spyware / trojan that is not available in our huge,
everyday-growing database, you will be on the wave in
24 hours with our Submit State feature.
Remember that YOUR submission can help other surfers
stand up faster.
Enjoy your digital surfing!
Stay clean and confident with Exterminate It!
Exterminate It! - powerful anti-virus and anti-malware
solution defends your internet-connected PC and
notebook with ease. It belongs to the latest
generation of malware scanners, containing multiple