Screen OCR SDK Library
Screen OCR SDK is a programmers' library that allows
capturing text from Windows screen, under the control
of another program. Use it to capture text from any
application that doesn't provide communication API's
in order to feed your program with text. It gives
output as text, not graphics which allows further
processing, such as dictionary lookup or passing to
translation tools. Imagine: your customer captures any
text on screen, even when copy/paste is not available,
with a hotkey and with a mouse click your dictionary
pops up with text already translated/explained.
You can capture text from any part of any window
including: status bar messages, Windows error
messages, proprietary DOS console programs, menus, any
custom controls, etc. It uses OCR technology to grab
text directly from the screen, without interaction
with application internals.
Screen OCR SDK is OCR (Optical Character Recognition)
based solution, which makes it work precisely and