English explanatory dictionary enables you to easily
look up over 145,000 words, and can be used as a
convenient tool for creating word lists for learning
with our vocabulary builder Vocabilis. Here are some
of the key things you can do with AlbionXP:
Look up definitions of over 145,000 English words.
AlbionXP features a huge word database that contains
precise word definitions and examples of word usage.
You can easily look up any word in any document by
selecting it and pressing a special key combination or
by typing the word in the search box.
Listen to them spoken. AlbionXP employs text-to-speech
technology so you can hear how any headword is spoken.
Create word lists for our vocabulary builder
Vocabilis. Use AlbionXP to store the list of word
meanings you looked up. AlbionXP can automatically
save the word list as a Vocabilis word list file.
Create as many word lists as you like.