HTML Coloring Guide
This program has every thing you'll need to develop a
body tag, A font tag, and a style tag. By using the
Scroll Bars, the windows Color dialog box, the preset
colors with their names, a picture, or even the safe
color set, you can choose a color that you want for
Text, Link, Visited link, Active link, & Hover. The
program also allows you to choose an image as a
background and displays the image tiled for you to
preview. It has full documentation, lots of options,
great customization and even a minimode, which
occupies a small area of your desktop that can be set
to be always on top so that you can have it running
without interrupting your coding. Other features
include safe color selection/conversion, skinnable
background (1 skin for now). It also has a mailing
list which informs users of updates.