Simfatic Forms
Simfatic Forms lets you quickly create forms for your
web site. You can design the form, add input elements
and attach input validations. Simfatic Forms generates
all the code just by the press of a button. You don't
have to do any programming.
All types of input elements are supported, including
file upload box. All important types of input
validations are built-in. You can have conditional
validations that validate only on certain condition.
(like a text box input is required if a check box is
selected )
The Simfatic form processor script can send the form
submissions to you by email. In addition, you can have
the form submission data saved to a file on the server
that you can download later. You can configure the
form processor to send an auto-response to the visitor
who submitted the form.
Installing the form on your web server also is equally
painless. Just by the press of a button you can
install the form on your web server.
Simfatic Forms can parse out a form from a web page.
So you can quickly add validations or add form-mail
support to your existing forms.