Invoicing system for wholesaler, importer and
distributor , handling purchase, receiving, sales,
distribution and logistic services.
It starts from purchase, receiving, distribution,
sales and inventory of merchandises. Giving
management the purchasing order details, pending
order quantity, sales revenue or location and
quantity of leftover inventory at real time inside
your warehouse.
Keep track of purchasing, sales, inventory and stock
movement. Purchasing Vs Sales analysis report, which
is used to find out the cheapest product supplier
against the generous customer. Hence improving
company's sales and profit margin.
Inventory report group by Item, Brand name and
product description. Leftover reports with different
grouping, by article no, item, brand name,
description, supplier and specification, FIFO,
storage breakdown, storage charges calculation, low
level alert and stock checking by location. Export
closing stock report for accounting audit at the year
end to save manpower and time to re-type by excel.
Reports on all stock-in and stock-out movement
grouping by item, customer, brand name, supplier,
delivery order, recipient and job order. Which is
used to act as an audit checking against supplier
deliveries and customer invoice amount or quantity.
Expiry date alert avoid expires and waste of day
limited items. Storage days report reduced the
storage day and hence minimize depreciation percent.
Multi languages with Chinese / English Bilingual
interface and reports, more applicable for multi-
national companies with business association with
Remote Access WholesaleNet Database over internet,
able to view record details from overseas. (with
user's own Window XP or Server) Multiple user access
to the database at the same time. Workgroup and multi-
user functionality. User right limitation restrict
junior staff reading sensitive figures and report.
must direct buy user name password