TrakLoan is a loan management system designed
specifically for local and regional development
companies that make loans to local businesses and
borrow, in turn, from government or other agencies.
The system was developed and tested over a two-year
period by Peak InfoSystems, Inc. at Pikes Peak
Regional Development Company in Colorado Springs,
TrakLoan maintains a database of accounts, loan types,
and a journal of payments and disbursements.
The TrakLoan operator enters payments or disbursements
into the journal as they are made at various times
during the month or other fiscal period.
At the end of each period the operator clicks
the [Post Journal] button and TrakLoan posts the
journal. Posting updates the account records with the
transactions in the journal and produces a posting
report that shows the status of each loan before and
after posting.
Each account is shown on the posting report. If an
account had transactions during the period, each
transaction for the account is printed showing days
since the last transaction, transaction amount,
interest accrued, interest paid, principal paid,
unpaid interest due, and the current principal
balance. If an account had no transactions, accrued
interest is computed, printed, and added to the unpaid
interest total. All accounts are brought up to date as
of the posting date so that you get an accurate figure
for interest accrued during the month or other
accounting period.
Posting also produces a summation of totals for each
loan type of interest accrued, interest paid,
principal paid, current loan balance and unpaid
The journal is erased after posting and made ready for
the next fiscal period’s entries.
A complete TrakLoan manual in Acrobat Reader format is
available for download from