Word Patterns
Word Patterns allows you to search for patterns in
text. The following is only a few examples of what
you can do. Create word lists from text files.
Select the 'Single Words' option and Word Patterns
will list each unique word from the text file of your
choice. Search for double word occurrences. Learning
if double words (such as 'the the') exist in text
documents is simple. Select 'Double Words' and click
start! Discover word and pattern frequencies.
Enhance your own writing skills by analyzing the
textual patterns and corresponding frequencies in your
own text documents. Search for words with specific
endings. In some languages, such as Japanese and
Korean, parts of speech are marked by particles. A
Student or linguist of these languages might benefit
by having Word Patterns search for text patterns
containing a particle ending (like a direct object
marker) thus creating vocabulary lists of direct
objects. By searching for common verb endings, a
vocabulary list of verbs can be created. Search for
text patterns containing words that are next to or