MB Kabbalah Chakra
MB Kabbalah Chakra is a zodiac sign based software
that relates your sun sign to the Kabbalah Tree of
Life and the corresponding Chakras. You will get a
better idea about the Chakras that affect your
directly and work on keeping them open. Kabbalah is a
Hebrew term and Kabbalah (Mazal) astrology has its
basis on this Jewish form of astrology. There are ten
visible and one invisible spheres or sephiroth as the
Jewish form of mysticism. The ten spheres are,
Malkhuth, Yesod, Netzach, Hod, Tiphereth, Gevurah,
Chesed, Binah, Chokmah and Keter; and Da'at is the
invisible sephiroth. Each of these ten spheres are
ruled over by a particular guardian angel who in turn
who affects the lifestyle of the natives falling
within the purview of those astrological spheres as
per their natal details. Chakras are the 7 nerve
centers along the spine, which balances our endocrine
and central nervous system. These are the energy nodes
all through the body liable for the state of our mind,
body and soul. In Sanskrit, chakra means “wheel” that
controls the flow of energy throughout the body.