Virtual Flash Drive
With the development of computer technology, more and
more people concern about computer security. Vicious
hackers, mischief-makers, privacy peepers and your
competitors all intend to usurp your confidential
information and privacy. Take it easy ! VIRTUAL FLASH
DRIVE can provide completely secure space. only if you
save confidential data in such space, nobody can rip
off your data. It adopts strong DES encryption and
perfect password protection, which disables any
malicious attacker.
VIRTUAL FLASH DRIVE is as easy as plugging your Flash
Disk into computer USB port. Just click "LOGON" at its
interface and enter your password, you can browse your
VIRTUAL FLASH DISK. When finished, click "LOGOUT" to
pull out your FLASH DISK. Well , it is virtual disk
and actual data is saved on your hard disk. No one can
access and delete such data except the owner.
Main features:
1. Intensive encryption. Three levels available that