OctopusCity is the only free downloadable contact
manager with a synced up free online account.
OctopusCity's business networking tools bring your
address book to life. Its powerful calendar and task
manager let you stay on top of your busy schedule.
Save time with OctopusCity's full sync integration
with Outlook, Gmail, Yahoo and many other address book
applications. It can be with you wherever you go,
thanks to its wireless PDA sync capability. With value-
added partner services like web meetings and
teleconferencing, OctopusCity’s free CRM software
enables you to stay connected like never before.
Product Features Include:
1. Contact Manager
2. Calendar
3. Task Manager
4. Sync Integration with Outlook, Gmail, Hotmail and
5. PDA Sync (Blackberry, Palm, Windows Smart Phones
and PPC)