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  LyricWriter 2008 Lyric Editing Software  -  Version  1.0.0

Throw out that old lyrical journal, and get with the 21st century! LyricWriter 2008 allows you to assign "tags" to your lyrics, divide them into albums, and search through your entire collection with blazing speed. Forgot a passage from a lyric but you remember part of the title? Easy, go to the Search tab and run a title search to find it. Take advantage of LyricWriter's integrated rhyme dictionary and thesaurus features to get those creative juices flowing. When all is said and done, run your lyrics through the spell check and print it off or share your lyrics with others easily. LyricWriter 2008 makes managing your lyrics incredibly easy. With an intuitive user interface and a detailed online help system, you'll find your productivity increase and headaches will decrease. What does this mean for you? It means you'll be able to focus much more on the creative and fun part of creating lyrics: writing them!

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