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  Multimedia and Graphics Tools - Graphics Tools - Misc. Graphics Tools

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  Insofta 3D Text Commander  -  Version  3.0.2

Empower your Web site or software with realistic 3D text. Generate impressive banners or 3D navigation buttons with ray-traced three-dimensional text complete with realistic shadows and reflections. Design flyers and brochures with innovative style with high-resolution 3D text. Insofta 3D Text Commander easily does all that, and more! No complex settings and no learning curve are involved thanks to the visual controls working in real-time. Not sure exactly what you need? Start Insofta 3D Text Commander, and a step-by-step wizard will guide you through the creation and configuration options in less than a minute. Want to create an impressive headline or logo without a lot of design? Just follow the prompts, and you'll have your own unique image with 3D text created on the fly. Insofta 3D Text Commander supports two impressive effects: smooth shadows and reflections. Of course you could create a shadow in Photoshop, but would it be in

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