A tool designed to quickly locate structural differences between two Microsoft Access databases (*.mdb files). The comparison is made on the following objects: tables, fields, indexes, relations, and queries. The structural differences analyzed include: changes, additions, and deletions of objects and properties of those objects. The user follows the intuitive wizard-like interface to select two Access databases to compare, enters any necessary security logon information, select the objects to compare, then selects an output type and location for the report that is built. Users can save settings to a text file for auto execution via command line. Reasons for using this tool include the items below plus more: Rapidly locating client bugs by finding exact database version differences in the table and field structures; Synchronizing test and development database structural versions (preclude false bugs due to old DB versions); Quickly generating a list of structural changes to a database (old vs. new); Track database structural stability over time with daily or weekly reports tracking change run automatically and saved away.