Rastishki - ýíöèêëîïåäèÿ êîìíàòíûõ ðàñòåíèé
Room and garden plants are fine addition of many
premises and gardens. Plants use for interior
creation, both in apartments, and in office
establishments. Recently the great popularity was
received by landscape design - formation of the
artificial environment on a site by means of
application of natural components. Now plants to any
interior allow to pick up a huge variety of plants, to
make attractive a premise. As it is known, plants not
only are an ornament of premises, but also allow to
improve surrounding atmosphere. Plants clear air of
harmful impurity, from a dust and pathogenic microbes.
Some plants allocate in air fitocidi which have
salutary influence on health of the person. Especially
well clear a microclimate in apartment poisonous
plants. They in a greater degree absorb toxins from
air, going through windows and doors. As an example
can serve Diffenbachia. If you the professional flower
grower, the flower grower-fan or if you still while do
not have indoor plants the electronic encyclopaedia of
indoor plants becomes you the good assistant in this