Enneagram Pro
Enneagram Pro is essentially a fairly accurate method
of character analysis, using nine different but
interconnected psychological types of the human
personality. In this context, we are truly proud to
present Enneagram Pro which is wonderfully informative
and ingenious software that helps you understand your
personality type. Enneagram Pro analyses your inner
self and reveals hidden facets of your personality. It
is a simple and easy to understand diagnostic tool
that actually helps you understand your true nature,
and how you relate to other people. Enneagram Pro uses
the 9 distinct personality types and shows how these
types react and behave in happy and stressful
situations. It interacts with you to pinpoint which
personality type suits you the most thereby helping
you in your personal and professional life. Fully
compatible with all versions of Windows OS, Enneagram
Pro is the software to possess if you want to improve
yourself into a perfect human being.