Sa4o - SafestMail4Outlook
Permission based and Bayesian logic! Protect your e-
mail against spam. Each user can have a unique way to
define unwanted messages. During installation SafO
imports all addresses from Received & Sent e-mails and
also from Personal Contact Books. All these e-mail
addresses are included in users whitelist so that
future messages coming from those will be sent to the
inbox. Messages from unknown senders will be sent to a
quarantine folder and the sender will automatically
receive an e-mail asking for a name and purpose of the
message. Once answered, a pop up window will appear on
the user's screen requesting his approval for that
specific sender or message. It provides 9 filtering
levels - SPF, sender's e-mail address, domain,
subject, body content, header content, file attachment
type, sender's country and bayesian method. Very
intuitive. And now FREEWARE!