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  Productivity Tools - FAX Tools

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  OCR Router  -  Version  1.0

OCR Router is a program that uses Optical Character Recognition on facsimiles and uses the text if finds to distribute the fax. OCR Router will route the fax to a printer, file folder or an eMail address or any combination of them based on a set of rules. The program starts by saving all incoming faxes in an archive folder as either a tiff image or a PDF. Once saved the file is OCR'd using Microsoft Office Document Imaging (MODI). This process will captures the typed text (not handwritten). Once the text is acquired it is read and matched to a set of rules. The rules allow the facsimile to be saved in a particular file folder, sent to a specific printer, or emailed as an attachment or a link. The user can use as many rules as necessary to properly distribute the facsimile. For instance the facsimile could be printed on two printers, sent to three email addresses and placed in a specific folder.

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