Old Fireplace - Animated Wallpaper
"Old Fireplace" is an Animated Wallpaper by EleFun
Multimedia devoted to the fire theme.
In the ancient English castle of one famous lord there
was a fireplace hall as it was usual for the buildings
of that time. Initially it was made as a place where
people could stay alone, come here and relax, turn
away from the life fuss and lapse into the atmosphere
of calmness and relaxation. It is warm and cozy in
this room; there are an old familiar clock and a
fireplace which is an integral part of this room. As
it is a well known fact that one can watch the burning
fire for hours on end and at the same time getting
relaxed and feeling refreshment of mind. This
phenomenon of nature is one of the most inexpressible
and unexplainable on Earth: it seems as though the
fire hypnotizes with its flame which is calmly wavers
in the fireplace, the firewood is softly crackling
thereby enhancing the relaxing effect and submerging
you even more deeply in the ocean of warmth and
calmness. The ticker of the clock is monotonically
rocking which also helps to relax and forget about