![Click to enlarge the ScreenShot](http://www.csc-soft.com/matbasic/pics/matbas640.jpg)
MatBasic is a calculating, programming and debugging
environment using special high-level programming
language designed for solving mathematical problems.
MatBasic programming language allows execution of
difficult mathematical calculations, involving an
exhaustive set of tools for the purpose of creation of
algorithmic programs. It also allows a user to
abstract his mind from the type of working data which
can be either real-valued, or complex numbers, or
matrices, or strings, or structures, etc. The MatBasic
supports both the text and the graphical data
MatBasic is fast language interpreter and its
environment application field is wide: from solving
the school problem to executing different engineering
and mathematical computations. The MatBasic
programming language combines; simplicity of BASIC
language, flexibility of high-level languages such as
C or Pascal and at the same time turns up to be a
powerful calculation tool. By means of a special