Spell Pimsleur
We do have people spelling it Pimsler, Pimslor,
Pimslur and Pimslir. But these spellings are all
wrong. The right way to spell Pimsleur is P-I-M-S-L-E-
We all like to have our names spelled correctly and
this is especially true for the internet. Google helps
us with spelling when we spell a word incorrectly. It
asks us: Did you mean: pimsleur
You get better results on the internet if you spell
the word correctly.
Pimsleur Language Courses were developed by Dr. Paul
Pimsleur. He taught at the University of California in
Los Angles (UCLA), Columbia University, Ohio State
University, State University of New York at Albany,
and lectured at Ruprecht Karl University of Heidelberg
as a Fulbright lecturer. He was instrumental in
developing the Pimsleur Language Aptitude Battery
(PLAB) which is used to calculate language aptitude by