RadarCube ASP.NET OLAP Chart for MSAS
ASP.NET and Silverlight OLAP control to add Visual
Analysis to your applications. Displays business data
on the internet in charts and graphs rather than in
numbers. 100% managed code authored entirely in C#
2.0. Gives users an opportunity to analyze their
business data visually and spot new trends and
discover unknown problems in their data flow.
- RIA Advantages: With Rich Internet Applications
technology you can make your apps on the web as live
as never. Overwhelming interactivity.
- Data Source: Take your cube from MS Analysis
Services OLAP Server or local file.
- Save Reports in file: Save your report and
distribute it to another person by network or email.
- Filters, Groups, and Sorting: Select what data you
want to see and what you don't. Powerful filters to
anything including hierarchy members and measure
- Modifiers support: Show you data in different
colors, shapes, and sizes, and so distinguish them in