Clean N' Optimize
Clean N' Optimize has highly customizable cleaning
options and supports the most common web browsers and
chat applications. It has a built in Shredder, so the
cleaned files/folders can not be recovered again and
separate shredder to manually shred files, folders,
drives empty space, and recycle bin with the most
famous and secure shredding algorithms. It is a
powerful optimizer for Internet connection, System
like optimizing hard drive, Windows Explorer like
disable save settings at shutdown and Privacy like
locking some hard drive partitions. Also it has
Startup Manager to modify the applications that launch
at windows startup and Uninstall Manager to modify or
uninstall the user-installed applications. With Clean
N' Optimize you can clean your system with One Click.
It has easy to use interface. The main window is just
the start guide for you to use Clean N' Optimize in
efficient and easy way. Read the instructions and
follow the links to start using the program. The Clean
Settings Window consists from 3 main sections: 1)
Internet items includes the following, categories
Browsers: in the browsers tabs, you can check items
that will be cleaned in each installed browser and
Chat: in the chat tabs, you can check the items that
will be cleaned in each installed chat program. 2)
System Items consists of the windows category which
consists from History Cleaner: check the history items
that you want to clean which are related to windows
system and Recent Files Cleaner: check the recent
files that you want to clean which are related to
windows built-in, the hard drive cleaner will free up
the hard drive space by deleting the temporary and
unnecessary files, you can include files with specific
Extensions to be deleted. 3)Registry Items: the Broken
registry items means the leftover registry keys that
should be deleted from the system registry. With
shredder you can shred 3 categories:1)Shred
Files/Folders, 2)Shred Empty Space, 3)Shred Recycle