Small Computer Icons
All applications, even the most specialized ones, have
much to do with the operating systems and computers
they work on. While there may be quite a lot of
program-specific features, user interfaces have a
multitude of common elements. If you are a developer
of computer-related applications - be it file
managers, media players or personal finance tools -
you definitely need quality interface icons for
existing and upcoming products. Creating them on your
own requires corresponding skills and a great deal of
time, which you may not necessarily have, especially
when trying to meet a rapidly approaching release
deadline. In this case, using a set of third-party
custom icons from professional developers may be the
ideal solution of this delicate problem. If you are
seeking a universal set of icons for applications of
all types, make sure to check out Small Computer Icons!
Small Computer Icons is a collection of "all-about-
computer" icons that will suit any type of application
or website. The set covers a very broad range of