S3 BackupSystem
S3 BackupSystem is freeware application that allows you
to easily backup your files and folders onto secur
e storage servers of Amazon, created specifically for
ndustry-grade file storage.
You can use S3 Backu
pSystem for either manual or automatic backup using bui
lt-in scheduling system. The program also provides exte
nsive abilities to perform a restore of previously back
ed up files into origi
al or user-defined folders.
If you care about tra
ffic, S3 BackupSystem offers bandwidth limiting opti
on as well as compression of files before uploading th
em to Amazon S3. If you care about security, our a
pplication allows use of SSL connection and encryption
of files using the best and the most proven cr
ptographic algorithm - AES.
Intelligent update f
eature provides detection of changed files and option
al online removal of locally d