360 Pano Viewer Lite - Version 1.1 360 Pano Viewer Lite is an exciting new panoramicviewer, which allows web surfers to view panoramas overthe internet without requiring the use of plug-inswhich take forever to download. This panoramic viewerenables people to interact with panoramas, so that theycan look around - creating a sensation of virtuallybeing there! This unique java applet has many other features, suchas hotspots, which are areas on the panorama, which canbe clicked upon to trigger an action. This action canvary from hotspot to hotspot, such as linking to awebpage.The applet is platform independent, as it workson all Java capable browsers, so anyone visiting a sitewith 360 Pano Viewer Lite can view it! There are avariety of pre-written templates (including scrollingin a given direction). These are also available for youto use, or you can even write your own! To see justwhat our panoramic viewer is capable of, check out ourexamples.