A Handy Address Book Server - Version 1.0 Web server software for address books. View, modify, oradministeraddress books using a web browser from any platform.You can defineusers and set permissions, so address books can beshared among multipleusers with varying levels of access. Ideal for sharingcontacts amongmultiple users in an office, making a corporatedirectory available onyour web site, networking your address book for accesson multiplecomputers, or making your addresses available no matterwhere youtravel.Address books are completely customizable, so you canintegrate theminto your existing web site. No other web serversoftware is necessary,all you need is the A Handy Address Book Serversoftware and a Windowsbased PC.A Handy Address Book Server makes working with yourcontacts easy.Import from many popular contact management programs.Track an unlimitednumber of contacts with any number of categories.Customize your ownfield names, choose which fields to display, and sortby any field.Apply filters based on category, alphabet, or both.Powerful searchfeatures for finding your contacts. Quick links to lookup maps for anyaddress using MapQuest, Yahoo, or Google. Also supportsusing anoptional "Handy Client" for working with your addressbooks.