ARHANE = Bookkeeping + Warehouse +... - Version 11.15.14 The bookkeeping+warehouse program - cash department,bank, the personnel, calculation of salaries the planof accounts, a turn under accounts (with an opportunityfiltering, sorting, etc.), invoice, waybills, thecatalog of the goods, debtors, creditors, Tax, thebasic means, reports, balance, statistics, etc.Warehouse - The account of the goods, entering,internal and proceeding waybills, the account of formsof the strict reporting, buyers, suppliers, incomes,statistics, reports to a management, the catalog of thegoods (the description of a photo of a sale price),moving of the goods, a turn of the goods, unlimitedquantity of warehouses, a sheaf with accountsdepartment, cash department, bank, the personnel,calculation of salaries, invoice, a turn underaccounts, the basic means, reports, balance, theledger, introduction of specificity, manufacture, etc.At data input in a waybill and sending under accounts -the program according to the specified techniquecreates or moves cards on warehouses, does postings inaccounts department, sends data in blocks of reports,considers individual discounts, addresses of delivery,currency transactions, the control over the rest in awarehouse. A choice in the payment assignment forpayment the account-invoices and waybillssimultaneously with breakdown by various techniques.Report - Designer with an opportunity to create anylistings, copying of listings on samples, change oflistings. Also many other opportunities. Staffdepartment - personnel cards, the accountaccepted-dismissed, contracts, the account of workinghours, the account of the fulfilled hours, the accountand charge of salaries,automatic charge of sheets andsalaries. Operatively reflects a condition of theenterprise. Granting of reports to a management. Dailyreports. Network system. Modeling, etc. Comp. orFlashCard 8GB or ExDrive 160GB. Transl: EN, RU, LV