AV CD Grabber - Version 1.0.5 1. A user-friendly skin with multi-language support.2. Extensive online help and downloadable manual.3. Advanced Tag Editor - Edit Mp3 Tags and other parameters directly andquickly from the program�s main UI. - Search for album information in an online database(MusicBrainz.org) and apply that information into Tagfields.4.Flexible output name template. - Name output files based on Tag information such asAlbum, Year, Artist, etc. - Name output files based on qualities such asbitrates, channels, etc. - Easily mix any desired information into a customname template.5. Full control over output encoding, includingconstant and variable modes at selectable bitrates.6. Option to show/hide log after grabbing/ripping the CD.7. Option to show the ripping progress on Windows 7taskbar.8. Option to open output folder after the rippingprocedure completes.9. Built-in Update Manager for instant updatenotifications on bugs fixes and new features.10. Special Built-in Media Player from Audio4fun forreviewing and playing the outputs.