Able Staff Scheduler - Version 4.20 Able Staff Scheduler saves time for small-businessowners and managers. Create and maintain complicatedshift schedules quickly and easily using a graphicalscheduling interface. Use your mouse to select a shiftto edit, delete, move, or change its length by draggingand dropping. You can change the length of a shift bydragging and dropping the start or end. You can add anunlimited number of employees, job groups, job types,shifts and tasks. When first installed sample data isprovided, so that the new user can easily experimentwith the application. Users can set up a schedule foreach day of the week, calculate the coverage and thenfill in staff schedules automatically. Later, userscan visually edit schedules and keep track ofemployee's shift and task assignments. Reportingoptions include costs, hours, various schedules,calendars, employee lists, HTML, multi-user capable andmore. Schedules can be printed and used to create HTMLschedules, which can then be sent to your web server. Able Staff Scheduler is a time saver forsmall-business owners and managers.