Abrosoft FantaMorph Deluxe - Version 5.3.5 With FantaMorph Deluxe, creating face morphing movieand face composite from multiple images has never beeneasier and faster! You can do everything a professionalanimation director does to create amazing images andanimations. FantaMorph supports most formats includingAVI, BMP, JPEG, TIFF, PNG, PSD, GIF, TGA, PCX, and evenprofessinal 32bit with alpha formats. Exporting toImage Sequence, AVI, QuickTime, Animated GIF, Flash,Screen Saver, Standalone EXE and other formats aresupported. You can crop, rotate, flip and adjust sourceimage, all with FantaMorph's built-in tools, withouthaving to go to any additional software. FantaMorph takes advantage of hardware acceleration,and the rendering speed easily goes up to severalhundred FPS. The high speed makes it possible to playfinal effects in real time without exporting to a file.The new interface with skin is cool in looks,streamlined in function, and a joy to work with!FantaMorph supports creating multiple morph, whichmakes it a breeze to create long movies with multiplesource images. You can even create amazing add-on movieeffects in less than one minute!Three new add-ins, Face Extractor, Face Locator andFace Mixer, were added to the Deluxe edition. Withthese intelligent, powerful and novel tools, creatingface morph or face composite from multiple images hasnever been easier and faster! With Face Extractor, theprogram can automatically extract the face portion froman image. With Face Locator, the program can nowautomatically detect the facial features (eyes, nose,mouth, etc.) and place key dots on appropriatepositions, this will extremely save your time. WithFace Mixer, you can mix two or more pictures into one.In most cases, we use Face Mixer to compose a virtualface with multiple real faces. It's just plain fun!